DES Energy UK Ltd
Visit us at DES Services Group UK 01253 881 220

EV Charging Points (EVCP)

DES ENERGY specialises in electric vehicle (EV) charging solutions. We offer comprehensive services for installing, maintaining, and managing EV charging stations. Our team ensures reliable and efficient charging infrastructure tailored to meet the needs of your business or organisation.

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Charge Point Operator (CPO) Services

With our powerful Charge Point Management System (CPMS) software, we offer user management, billing solutions, remote monitoring, and maintenance services to ensure optimal performance and user satisfaction.

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We provide comprehensive solar energy solutions, including the design, installation, monitoring, and maintenance of solar panel systems. Our team of experts will assess your energy needs and develop a customised solar solution that maximises energy generation and cost savings.

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We offer advanced battery storage solutions to optimise energy usage and provide backup power. Our battery systems enable you to store excess energy generated from renewable sources and use it during peak demand or when the sun is not shining. This enhances energy efficiency and resilience.

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Energy Monitoring

We offer comprehensive energy monitoring solutions to maximise the efficiency and effectiveness of your renewable energy systems. DES Energy leverages advanced analytics and state-of-the-art IoT solutions to measure and monitor energy consumption accurately. Our monitoring systems provide real-time insights into energy generation, consumption, and performance, enabling you to make data-driven decisions and optimise energy usage.

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Wind Turbine

DES ENERGY specialises in wind turbine solutions, harnessing the power of the wind to generate clean and sustainable energy. We provide expert wind turbine selection, installation, and maintenance guidance to ensure optimal performance and energy production.

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Renewable Energy Integration

In addition to EV charging services, we specialise in integrating renewable energy sources, such as solar, battery, monitoring, and wind turbine solutions, into your energy infrastructure. By combining EV charging with renewable energy, businesses can reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a sustainable future.

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